Mistakes you make in Yoga will bring Side-Effects

mistakes done in yoga

If you have a feeling that you are not getting in shape despite practicing yoga for a long time, then there are chances that you have made a mistake. There are reasons why yoga does not work for few; probably you might also be making the same mistakes. Scroll down to know if you have done any of these.


Exercises are all about burning calories and people think they can burn more calories by working out fast. Certain exercises are done fast by nature such as cycling, aerobics etc.

This is not the case with Yoga. It should be done slow, it is not about running and jumping; it’s about stretching and breathing.

Drinking Water during Yoga

It is natural that you feel thirsty when doing exercises. It is strictly advised by the ancient gurus that you should not take water 2 hours before and after any yoga session, though, drinking water after a session could be acceptable as you could be parched up so badly.

Neck Pain

The neck and back problems happen due to lack of stretching and strengthening those muscles. There is no good in twisting and turning when you have back pain. You should practice the Locust pose in Yoga to see any betterment. Again do not be fast and furious to see the changes at once you do them. It will take time, and the more patient you are, the pain relief will last for a long time.

Skipping Meditation

Meditation is the simple and easiest way to improve concentration; it is the toughest than any other exercises. It is difficult to sit still and clear our mind without having to think about anything. Two minutes meditation has so much of effects which many do not understand skip it easily and end up with side-effects. It reduces your ability to experience the total good effects what Yoga might have on you. And you might be receiving only some 70% of relief and fitness.

Foot Position

The most vital posture what every person who practices yoga and who would wish to take up sessions should know is how to position your feet properly. If you keep your feet too close or far apart, you will suffer from the muscle pull and cramps.

Read and know more about Yoga and its positions even before you try them. Every posture is linked with your muscles, nerves, and inhalation. There are ancient Vedic texts on yoga, their procedures and postures, benefits and effects if done wrong; you will have great results and be fit if you do them properly.

Jithya :