How Obesity Differs in Men and Women

As we move on to a world that bows to our needs, we increasingly fail to stretch our own muscles and lead a sedentary life. Like other primates, Humans are dimorphic. In other words, there are a medley of differences between men and women other than reproductive organs and it is crucial for us to understand them in order to make ourselves fit. Obesity has grown to colossal proportions and it leads to a multitude of other serious complications or co-morbid conditions like coronary heart diseases, diabetes, high blood sugar and many more. A condition, which was once exclusively a first-world problem has proliferated across the globe with the advent of fast foods and a lifestyle that accompanies it. 

Though we personally believe beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and there is nothing to be ashamed about your own body, there is nothing wrong in getting physical exercise on a daily basis and practicing some discipline in your dietary habits. It not only enhances the confidence with which you approach people but is also really good for your health in the long run.

Are you really fat?

A typical way to check whether you are really fat is to calculate your BMI (Body mass Index). A BMI of more than 25 is considered overweight while a BMI of more than 30 is considered obese. If BMI crosses 35 and then hits 40, you are severely and very severely obese respectively. Since men and women have differing heights, the BMI range used to classify would differ. See check the comprehensive BMI chart to know where you belong.

Another way of examining if you are fat is by looking at your Waist Circumference. If your waist is more than half your weight, you are clearly overweight or obesity. But this method does not give the accuracy like BMI.

How Obesity is psychologically perceived among Men and Women?

In popular culture, obesity is ridiculed and though it is subtle, it might affect how a person might perceive him/herself. Men are given more leverage than women when it comes to the flab they have, due to the social constructs and the patriarchal belief that women were historically objectified. Though things have gotten a lot better, the fairer sex faces more flak for being overweight.

Children, who are out of shape face lot of bullying among their peers and it might leave an imprint on their psyche and leave deep emotional etchings that last a lifetime. There needs to be a lot done by the Government and NGOs to prevent this subtle bullying that has somehow been normalised by a multitude of references in pop culture. Workshops should also be conducted to publicize this issue since Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death and is a risk factor for a wide array of lifestyle maladies. One could argue that with the arrival of tech, there has been a sea change in how we consume food and the way we live, but it all comes to understanding human evolution. All species are continuously evolving for millions of years and without a question only the fit among the human shall go on to survive.

How the genders process fat differently

All things same, it is common consensus, that among the general populace, there is a greater percentage of overweight women when compared to men. It all comes down to many factors.  Fat in women represent around 20% of their total weight while the same for men is around 10-15%. This is because lipids are the main source of nourishment for a potential offspring and they have to store fat reserves for the same. Female puberty and pregnancy might accentuate the release of oestrogen which in turn is found to be responsible for that additional plump. Some amount of fat is absolutely essential for survival and consuming very less fat might actually be unhealthy to your organs and hormonal secretions. Women store fat in gluteal-femoral region (Thighs) and kneecaps whereas men store fat in the abdomen. It is mandatory to note that fat in abdomen is more adversarial to you in the long term than those found in other regions.

Though the energy consumed by women during physical exercise withdraws a greater percentage of fat than their counterparts, this still doesn’t compensate for the fat percentage in their bodies. There is a lot of research going on this topic to process how exercise affects men and women differently.


How Obesity is psychologically perceived among Men and Women?

In popular culture, obesity is ridiculed and though it is subtle, it might affect how a person might perceive him/herself. Men are given more leverage than women when it comes to the flab they have, due to the social constructs and the patriarchal belief that women were historically objectified. Though things have gotten a lot better, the fairer sex faces more flak for being overweight.

Children, who are out of shape face lot of bullying among their peers and it might leave an imprint on their psyche and leave deep emotional etchings that last a lifetime. There needs to be a lot done by the Government and NGOs to prevent this subtle bullying that has somehow been normalised by a multitude of references in pop culture. Workshops should also be conducted to publicize this issue since Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable death and is a risk factor for a wide array of lifestyle maladies. One could argue that with the arrival of tech, there has been a sea change in how we consume food and the way we live, but it all comes to understanding human evolution. All species are continuously evolving for millions of years and without a question only the fit among the human shall go on to survive.

How the genders process fat differently

All things same, it is common consensus, that among the general populace, there is a greater percentage of overweight women when compared to men. It all comes down to many factors.  Fat in women represent around 20% of their total weight while the same for men is around 10-15%. This is because lipids are the main source of nourishment for a potential offspring and they have to store fat reserves for the same. Female puberty and pregnancy might accentuate the release of oestrogen which in turn is found to be responsible for that additional plump. Some amount of fat is absolutely essential for survival and consuming very less fat might actually be unhealthy to your organs and hormonal secretions. Women store fat in gluteal-femoral region (Thighs) and kneecaps whereas men store fat in the abdomen. It is mandatory to note that fat in abdomen is more adversarial to you in the long term than those found in other regions.

Though the energy consumed by women during physical exercise withdraws a greater percentage of fat than their counterparts, this still doesn’t compensate for the fat percentage in their bodies. There is a lot of research going on this topic to process how exercise affects men and women differently.

How does obesity affect pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a women exclusive domain (obviously) and obesity does play a role in fertility and pregnancy. Women who are stout during pregnancy might face several possible health risks, including high blood pressure and diabetes. Gaining more weight during pregnancy might also cause complications like neural tube defects in extreme case. Studies have also shown that pre-pregnancy obesity might even cause an increase in heart risks.

Gestational diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy might also increase the chances of having a cesarean delivery. Generally speaking, the chances of cesarean delivery is very high in obese women because they have too much fat and the muscles in the pelvis region is not stronger. It may be noted here that strong muscles in the pelvis region plays an important role in pushing the baby out during normal deliveries.

And there is also Preeclampsia which affects the whole body and might cause kidneys and livers to fail. So take care of your bodies and carry on with light exercises during pregnancy. Remember the fact that obesity is something that is very much preventable.

How to tackle obesity?  

There are only two things that can really tackle obesity.

  • Eat Healthy: Learn to eat healthy food on a regular basis and cut down on those unwanted carbs and sugary junk stuffs. Consume more greens and foods that are rich in fibre. Fruits can supply you with the necessary vitamins and minerals. And a diet that is balanced and has fair amount of protein and fat is what can keep you satiated.
  • Engage in Physical activity: Walk regularly. Inculcate a healthy physical activity in your routine so as to keep your body fit. We don’t live in the medieval age anymore and most humans have negligible physical activity in their daily chores. This is indeed a challenge and it needs to change for good.
Jithya :