Benefits of Coffee

1. Coffee Raises Your Metabolism and Helps You Perform Better Physically

Studies have shown that drinking coffee can actually raise your metabolism and help you burn fat at a faster rate, thus positively affecting your weight loss. Caffeine does this by stimulating your nervous system, causing it to send signals to your fat cells to break down body fat.

It also has been shown to improve athletic performance and endurance during exercise.

Just these two reasons alone are awesome enough to drink more coffee, especially before heading to the gym!

2. Coffee Is a Great Sources of Antioxidants and Essential Nutrients

Believe it or not, coffee has a lot of nutritional value. It contains a number of essential nutrients, including riboflavin (11% of the RDA), pantothenic acid (6% of the RDA), manganese (3% of the RDA), potassium (3% of the RDA), magnesium (2% of the RDA) and niacin (2% of the RDA)

It’s also a HUGE source of antioxidants, and one of the top sources of antioxidants in the American diet. Antioxidants are substances that prevent or delay cell damage, and they can control how fast you age by fighting free radicals.

Translation…. Coffee makes you pretty and healthy!

So the next time you look at your coffee, remember it’s not just black water, it’s a tasty source of antioxidants and nutrients.

3. Coffee Can Help Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes, an enormous health problem everywhere with over 400 million sufferers, affects about 8% of adults over the age of 18 affected worldwide.

Studies show that people who drink coffee have a significantly lower risk of developing Type II diabetes. In one study, participants with a total daily consumption of at least three cups of coffee reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by approximately 42%.

If you’re concerned about diabetes, you may want to start including coffee in your diet on a regular basis to improve your chances of preventing it. But make sure to limit the sugar you add and see below for my tips on healthy(er) sweeteners below.

4. Coffee Can Make You Smarter

Coffee contains a chemical called caffeine… yes, I know you know that, but did you know that caffeine is central nervous system stimulant?! When you drink coffee, the caffeine travels to the brain where it is responsible for enhancing the firing of the neurons and increasing energy metabolism throughout your brain.

The next time you need to study or take a test, try drinking a cup of coffee beforehand for a little extra mental edge.

5. May Help Prevent Liver Disease

If you drink alcohol on a regular basis, listen up!

Studies have shown that there is an ingredient in coffee that protects against a liver disease called cirrhosis. If you have never heard of cirrhosis before, it a condition where your liver tissue is damaged and replaced with scar tissue. It can develop several ways like from infections, obesity, and other conditions, but especially from drinking too much alcohol. Drinking coffee on a regular basis has been shown to be a natural detox to help protect against the onset of cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis.

So while I don’t advocate drinking too much alcohol, I can recommend drinking coffee regularly if you do as a cleansing body detox and to help give your liver a little extra protection.

Jithya :