A Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

Do you have signs and symptoms during your pregnancy? Are you experiencing a healthy pregnancy with no undue problems? In some cases the vaginal discharge increases which all women experience. But when you are pregnant this discharge is more evident due to more blood flow to the vagina and rise in production of estrogen. But pregnancy brings more joy and you can celebrate a healthy pregnancy with a great and informative guide.

Follow your comprehensive guide and look forward to a new arrival besides educating your partner on how to handle a natural and great pregnancy time:


It’s great to start exercising with Pilates during your pregnancy to improve flexibility, balance and posture.

Antenatal Classes

Antenatal classes educate and help you to handle your pregnancy with ease so you can absorb the techniques of pain management, breathing, the process of birth and advice on after birth.


Get a doula who will help you with every stage of your pregnancy and who will be with you during important visits to the doctor or at the midwife during labor. A doula will concentrate on your well-being with advanced knowledge on labor and birth.


Cut down on coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, chocolate and energy drinks. Stick to caffeine-free beverages to prevent complications during pregnancy.

Folic Acid

Add Folic acid or Vitamin B to your diet or vitamin intake to prevent nervous system defects in your baby.

Environment Friendly Spaces

Make sure that you have the best environment free from hazardous chemicals and smoke-filled areas. Check the comfort of your chair at work, the mattress of your bed at home, clean work surfaces and convenience in work places so you do not tax the muscles.

Choose an Experienced Gynecologist

One of the main things to do when you are pregnant is to choose a good Gynecologist who is experienced in pregnancy and birth with specialization in Obstetrics and Caesareans.

Intake of Iron

You need about 14.8mg of iron every day so that your body and the baby can get the right amount of oxygen.

Nutrition and a Balanced Diet

It’s not about eating for two, but more about good nutrition and healthy eating with foods that are rich in iron, fruits, vegetables and good carbohydrates to leverage the baby’s health and yours.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can occur any time and not just during the morning hours. In some cases, this bout of morning sickness is severe and calls for hospitalization. It’s best to handle morning sickness during pregnancy by not brushing the teeth as soon as you wake up. Drink plenty of fluids as dehydration can cause nausea. Eat smaller meals more often and add tart flavors like ginger or lemon. You can take an anti-nausea drug after consulting with your gynecologist.

Support of Your Partner

One of the most important factors is to have the support of your partner or companion. This helps your pregnancy to go with a smoother flow with fewer complications during childbirth. It would be great if you can attend pre-natal, child birth and parenting classes together including lunch or dinner dates to discuss the results of visits to the doctor.

Take Care of Oral Health

It is important to visit the dentist especially with women who have been known to have a preterm birth. This condition is often linked with gum or periodontal disease. Make sure that you visit your dentist on a regular basis for planning and scaling of teeth.

Learn to Relax

Anxiety, stress and fear often harms the baby so it is imperative that you rest in this delicate condition and relax as much as you can to avoid a preterm birth. Stress causes your baby to be underweight and arrive too early.

Spotting during Pregnancy

You may feel scared and apprehensive if there is spotting or bleeding during pregnancy. Make sure you notice the color and when it first occurred. Though bleeding during pregnancy is common, it stems from various causes such as intercourse, implantation of the embryo or at its worst, it may be a miscarriage. If the bleeding gets heavy call your doctor and go to the hospital immediately.

Baby’s Movements

Measuring kick counts is a good way to determine that the baby is well. Pregnant women will feel the baby’s first movements around 20 weeks and your doctor will ask you to do a kick count on a daily basis to track your baby’s movements.


Unless it’s an absolute must, do not travel during your pregnancy. If it’s an urgent situation, ask your doctor to certify that you are fit for travel before planning a move.

Risks Involved in Ultrasounds

It’s best to go through a low-level ultrasound at your doctor’s office and it’s even better to avoid it if it’s not necessary. Though ultrasounds are useful for monitoring the baby’s movements, it is also harmful for the unborn child. Do not go through an ultrasound unless it is prescribed by your gynecologist.


As in Ultrasounds, it’s best to avoid an X-ray as it is not wise to exposure your unborn child to even small amounts of radiation. You can get your dental X-rays before or after your pregnancy.


Though some vaccines are not recommended for pregnant women, it will be wise to consult with your doctor about the type of vaccines which are allowed during this delicate time.

Workplace Rights

If you are working through your pregnancy, check out your rights under the Department of Labor website or according to the rules specified by the HR of your company.

Body Changes during Pregnancy

As your body runs on overdrive, your blood vessels and heart will have to transport more oxygen. Most often, this will cause dizziness and a feeling of light-headedness. But though unpleasant, these symptoms also mean that you are experiencing a healthy pregnancy.

Stretching of Skin

The skin of a pregnant woman’s body stretches 1.5 square feet more during this time from an average measurement of 17.5 square feet to 18.5 square feet.

Stretch marks

Most women get stretch marks. If you are expecting twins or have an excess of amniotic fluid or are carrying a heavy or big baby, then it is possible for you to get stretch marks. It is advisable not to gain too much weight too fast.

Heart Beat is Rapid

Due to the fact that there is extra blood in the system of a pregnant woman, the heart tends to beat faster but this does not mean that the heart works harder.

Your Heart Grows with Love

Baby love shows of its power with the fact that the walls of the ventricles get thicker so more blood can be pumped with the heart getting bigger in width and length.

Belly Button Protrudes

There is no cause for alarm though the belly button gets pushed out. This is because the uterus swells and pushes the belly button out. This will come back to normal as soon as the pregnancy is over.

Sensitive Breasts

Your breasts may feel sensitive during early pregnancy as they start to prepare for producing milk which occurs just days after conception.

Muscles increase

The muscles increase as women who are pregnant develop 5% extra muscle.

Increase of Blood Supply to Breasts

Blood vessels under the skin on the breasts can be detected more easily as the blood supply to the breasts increase.

The Breasts Prepare for Feeding

As the breasts are being prepared for feeding the baby, tiny glands which are in the areola region will get enlarged. This produces a fluid which lubricates the nipples so that easy breastfeeding is facilitated.

The Body Stores Extra Fat

During the first trimester the body stores extra fat which stops as the pregnancy is halfway through. The fetus starts using the stored fat at this time.

The Metabolism gets Boosted during Pregnancy

As you gain weight, your metabolism gets boosted and improves at this time.

Did You Know That Your Baby can Hear You?

Yes. Your baby can hear you when the pregnancy is halfway through. The baby’s ears are fully formed by now and can hear you though the amniotic fluid may muffle sounds.

Your Baby gets to Eat Before You Do

The nutrients in your digested food are absorbed by the baby first before your body gets to it. This is why you need to fill your system with the right type of food which contains minerals and vitamins during your pregnancy.

Two is Company

Incredibly enough, your baby can hear you from the sixth month onwards and starts to even understand its mother tongue.

Mood Swings

It is generally estimated that all pregnant women are happy. This may not always be the case as about 20% of them experience mood swings with depression or anxiety.

Dreams get Vivid with Nightmares

As your pregnancy progresses, most women go though nightmares which may be scary or frightening. Psychologists have often associated these nightmares with the subconscious and interpret this as insecurities, fears and anxieties to do with birth and motherhood.

Body gets More Sweaty and Hot

The skin gets hot as the body transmits heat which radiates and then evaporates as the blood vessels dilate near the surface of the skin. Pregnant women tend to feel the heat more as extra blood is pumped into the system with the sweat glands working harder and the skin being stretched. The sweating occurs more readily as your body tries to get rid of the heat for both mother and child.

Automatic Protection

From the 20th week onward, the antibodies from the pregnant mother are transferred through the placenta to the fetus which protects it from diseases which are infectious.

The Placenta Grows

With the wonder of childbirth, the placenta grows to one sixth of the baby’s weight by the time you give birth.

You are Supported with Energy

You get to use extra energy as the baby grows. This energy is estimated to be 900 kilojoules a day.

Natural Defense

With the mysterious ways of Nature, the placenta protects your baby from infection and disease besides nourishing it.

Super Foods for Super Women

Absorb the goodness of super foods during your pregnancy. Let your diet be enriched with super foods such as apricots and avocados which offer vitality and enhances physical health including chia seeds which contain Omega-3 fats to avoid depression and mood swings.

Build Up of Gas

As the intestines tend to slow down, gas builds up. Though this can be quite embarrassing. Try and drink lots of water.

Slowing Down of Digestive System

With the slow traveling of food through the intestines, the food has better chances for absorption but also results in constipation and dry stools.

Iron gets Absorbed with Super Efficiency

With the body getting better and better at absorbing iron, try and incorporate iron-rich foods such as cereals which are fortified, green vegetables and lean red meat in to your diet.

Bone Building with Proteins

Pregnant women need to absorb almost 70 grams of proteins on a daily basis which will build the skin, muscles and bones of your baby. You can add foods with protein like milk products, eggs, pulses and lean meat to your diet.

Funny and Strange Taste in Mouth

Due to the pregnancy hormones, you may experience a metallic taste in the mouth or absence of taste.

Sensitive Sense of Smell

You will become more sensitive during your pregnancy to smells and odors. This may occur as its Nature’s way to make you more sensitive and avoid inhaling or eating harmful or poisonous substances.

Breathing Gets a Bit Hard

As the uterus grows, the diaphragm cannot be pulled down to facilitate inhalation. This may cause pregnant women to feel that their breathing is not easy. But this will soon end during the last days of the pregnancy.

The Good News About Pregnancy

With plenty to celebrate, pregnant women will be joyous about the arrival of their babies. But one of the best parts is that acne-like spots will disappear due to hormones after the first trimester. Wrinkles may also disappear as the skin stretches.

Jithya :