6 Healthy Breakfasts for Working Mothers

Organizing a Better Breakfast for Hectic Mornings

It’s hectic, hurried and harried! Is this your daily morning regime? With getting kids ready for school or coping with searching for socks for your husband or if you are a single mother trying to get ready for work and trying to pack lunch for your kid, life can be pretty trying and terrifying. But through it all, the most important thing is to get a balanced breakfast organized and seeing that everyone is fully equipped to handle the day.

It’s easy to slam on the usual cereal, toast and eggs on jam-packed days, but it’s imperative to see that the family needs a substantial breakfast to face a daunting day. A well-rounded meal at the start of the day should be hearty, robust and satisfying. This helps in more energy, a better mood and stable blood sugar. Mamas and kids need to begin the day with veggies or fruit, protein and good fats for a power-packed schedule. Kids would be energized with quicker metabolism, fast thinking and better learning with a breakfast that offers goodness and nutrition.

Whip Up Easy-To-Make Breakfasts

It’s good to plan a day ahead for the no-fuss but healthy breakfast that your kids can enjoy and relish. This can be done with easy recipes which cause less stress with fewer dishes to wash! Here are some tasty and delicious meals that you can whip up in no time at all:

1 – Pull out already diced pineapple or apple from the fridge and juice it. Pour out the frothy and tasty juice as a starter.

2- Lightly toast the bread till it is warm. Brush on butter or cheese spread or sandwich paste. Add on sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. This is a good way to get veggies down and is full of goodness.

3- Oats are easy to cook. Once it’s done, slip in sliced bananas, a few walnuts or almonds and raisins. Energizing and substantial, oats are a good option.

4- You can freeze yogurt with fruits and nuts in Popsicle containers. This will look very much like a kulfi. If any of the kids have a cold and cannot eat frozen stuff, then just mix the yogurt with honey, fruits and nuts.

5- Beat up eggs and add onions, tomatoes and just one chili. Make an omelet sandwich with mint filling.

6 –   Start on a colorful and healthy note in the morning with a fresh summer fruit salad. Add quinoa and top it with a delectable and tangy honey lime dressing.

Minimize the stress, the last minute cooking and the hassle with easy-to-make breakfast dishes!

Jithya :