6 Best Foods with Protein for Gym Hitting Vegetarians

Many vegetarians think that they cannot build their body like a non-vegetarian because of the limitation in protein sources. It is not entirely true. While it is true that the non-vegetarians are presented with multiple options, vegetarians and vegans do not have many options. However they can still go on to build their muscles like everyone. Here are lists of 6 foods that are rich in protein.

  1. Broccoli – With 7% protein, Broccoli is an excellent source for vegetable protein. With myriad of vitamins and minerals present in them, they are considered as one of the best food for body builders.
  2. Milk Products – Milk and milk products are indeed the best source of protein. Milk, Curd / Yogurt, the many variety of cheese available in the market, butter and clarified butter (ghee) and paneer are all good sources of protein. The presence of calcium aids in stronger bones and it indirectly helps in better muscle building.
  3. Soybeans and Tofu – In every 100 gms of soybeans, there is 16.6 g of proteins. Soy is rich in protein and its products like Soymilk and Tofu have more protein contents.
  4. Lentils – Lentils or the different variety of grams, popularly called “Dal” in India is an excellent source of protein. This is the reason it has been incorporated in many vegetarian dishes in India by our forefathers. Some lentils like Toor Dal, called chick peas in English have over 22 g of protein per 100 g of serving.
  5. Nuts – Nuts are known to be a good source of healthy fats like Omega-3 fatty acids. Beside that they also have protein content that can aid in muscle building.
  6. Greens – Who said greens are just for fiber, vitamins and minerals. Besides being a good source of high quality fiber, greens like spinach also have high protein content.
Jithya :